Jumat, 15 Maret 2019

About you, my readers

Hey all, I've seen you all through my blogg. you are from brazil, french, germany, america, and all the creatures of the earth in the world expecially for Indonesia. I know, this time we are wrestling on the internet. Yes, I know that. but one thing you need to know, I'm here a little have friends. not comparable with my friends who are very much in facebook, tweeter, or instagram ok I know that. Sense of wanting to get out of the house, always have my mind. until I finally thought to gradually leave the social media that I have. such as instagram etc. and now I'm more involved in blogs, which makes me happy about what's happening in my life right now. and I prefer my friends in the real world, and not in cyberspace. yea, I hope you guys understand. all of you who read my blogg is my best friend. who understands me. I told you a little about today. at 8 am I wanted to swim. none of my friends can come with me to swim. at that time lonely. I am sad. and finally I decided to leave alone. yeah, when I got there I did not know anyone. But, the world is always spinning. there is someone who asked me to tell stories. and I have friends. that's my story.

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